Guess what!! It is my baby day on Thursday!! AKA my half way mark
haha. This week has been great. Kind of hot, around 30 degrees
Celsius, but we manage. But before we get to all of that I want to wish
my dad a very Happy Father's Day. I thought about him a lot this week
when we had a member try to teach us that it is the woman's job to serve
the men (very much part of the culture here) by serving the Elders
after a service project. It was a very sweet gesture, but the whole
time I thought about how grateful I am that I have an amazing father
that has taught me that I am more than a servant. There are no specific
chores that only women can do. I feel blessed to have a father like
mine. So Happy Father's Day dad!! I love you.
Next, shout outs to John for writing me. I really appreciate your
emails. Glad to hear that things are going so well with you. Next, the
answer to the question of what the pole was. It is actually a pole
they use to beat rugs. They are all over the place here and you will
often see people out beating their rugs. Kind of cool huh.
Transfers: So transfers came out. I will be staying in Constanta
and I will be serving with Sora Watt, another sister that was in the MTC
with me. I am so excited to have the opportunity to serve with her,
just as I have loved serving with Sora Cottam. I know there will be ups
and downs but those are just learning experiences. I also get to see
Sora Bedebone off before she leaves to go home. I am so grateful for
her. She has completely changed my mission experience. I am glad I get
to say bye.
As I look back on the last nine months I can see how much I have
grown and progressed. I have learned so much about myself and how to
work with others. I didnt know why I needed to go on a mission before I
left. But the longer I am out here the more I realize what an amazing
opportunity this has been and how I have been so blessed to have made
this decision. I can't wait to see what the next nine months bring.
Thank you so much for all your love and support so far. I love you
Sora Krissy Hall